Sunday, April 11, 2010

Linking up - Conneting - Surfing

It turns out that starting this blog was more than a really good idea. Besides allowing to organize ideas it helps connecting with likely minded people. Recently I've had some comments that were really valuable and have shed some light on visa obtaining process.

And a new idea came to me: connect to all the blogs that are related (it seems I'm not special, others have though of this WAY before me).

This took me 2 steps:
  1. following everyone that had a relevant blog on blogspot and looking at what they followed (and followed relevant blogs they followed) and so on.
  2. using a google search. Yeah, nothing miraculous here. The special thing was including a google search keyword: This means that google will search only the site And the result? All the blogs hosted on blogspot that contain references to Australia+moving+Melbourne+whatnot. Of course you could search any blog hosting platform. :)
So, for the moment I have so much information that it scares me. Check them out in Different Perspectives section.



  1. Hi there!!!
    How cool is this blog thing?? :)It really helps you out, wether is trying to find out important information or trying to make contacts or even friends!! That's one of the reasons I started my blog.
    Oh! thanx for following my blog in English!! you are the first one to do it!!
    If you ever want to send me an e-mail, it's


  2. As a suggestion... Google already knows how to suggest other blogs... Use Google reader :P

  3. I don't seem to find that option.

    Hmmm, how does one do that?
    A link or a short tutorial would really help.
